Friday, July 3, 2009

Picture: Life Lessons

This is a kid I know who did some "modeling shots". Life lesson kids: when someone tells you they are going to take your picture and then to put your hand down your pants, it's not's a crime.

NEWS: Monkey Pees on President, Charges to be filed.

Full Article Here

Almost two weeks ago there was an article in the news about a certain primate that had peed on the President of Zambia. After more research was done by the Zambian Federal Police, it was found that the President not only deserved it, but had requested the monkey to urinate on him al the while laughing during the incident. While the press first reported that it happened at a press conference, later evidence was submitted to the state court that gave proof that it in fact happened in private quarters.

It was also found that the President's wife was unaware of the event, and when she found out she was outraged. "I will be seeking a separation from my husband, the President" she stated angrily. This was not the first time the primate has been caught in such incidences. He was apprehended in 2002 just after the R. Kelly incident. When questioned about the event the young monkey became beligarant and began to fling his poo at anyone within flinging distance.